NV gets deducted at times like this!

If you don't follow the rules, this may result in NV deductions and suspension of accounts..

🚫 Rules within a planet (server)

1️⃣ Prohibit the use of software that causes all forms of fraud.

2️⃣ ****Prohibit local, ethnic, racist and terrorist statements.

3️⃣ Prohibit class and gender conflict.

4️⃣ Prohibit political discussion.

5️⃣ Prohibit begging, threatening, slander, and fraudulent activities.

6️⃣ Prohibits posting of hateful comments and actions, images and videos.

7️⃣ Prohibits posting of all images and videos that are not appropriate to view on public channels, such as sensationalism and violence.

8️⃣ ****Prohibit words and actions that induce other users to violate the rules.

9️⃣ Prohibit impersonation of other users, administrators, and official accounts.

1️⃣0️⃣ Prohibits spam posting on all channels and game public channels.

1️⃣1️⃣ Prohibit NFTs and intellectual copyright theft and abuse.

1️⃣2️⃣ In addition to the above 11 points, fines may be imposed and expulsion may occur under the discretion of the administrator.

‼️ **a one-time violation:** 100 NV Deductions and Personal Warnings