From Bachelors to Doctor

※ This occupation may be subject to future changes and can be expanded or integrated with new roles.

👨‍🏫 Who are Mentors(Occupation)?

A Mentor who helps citizens who visit the NVIR planet "N-CITY" for the first time, and is in charge of N-CITY's education.

The class is divided according to the number of citizens registered as disciples.

👨‍🏫 Duties of a Mentor(Occupation)

1️⃣ Assistance for at least 0 days to help students adapt well to N-CITY.

2️⃣ (To be added if necessary)

3️⃣ (To be added if necessary)

👨‍🏫 Mentor Ranking and Promotion Conditions at a Glance

Rank Conditions Discount/Benefits
Doctor More than 30 registered students Tax discount of 0.03%
Master More than 15 registered students Tax discount of 0.02%
Bachelors More than 5 registered students Tax discount of 0.01%